Saturday, December 30, 2017

How to Obtain Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies

How to Buy, Accept, or Mine Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies - Quick Intro

Buy Bitcoin on an Exchange

One easy way to get started with owning bitcoin is to buy some on an exchange, such as Coinbase.

I offer this link because I think it is helpful, not just because I could get $10.  Sometimes you can't tell why people recommend things.  I figure, if you plan to sign up anyway, why not save a little money?

With this referral link, we each get $10 in bitcoin after the new account is opened, and a trade of $100 or more is completed:

Note that it is not necessary to buy a full coin, but there are commissions for buying and selling, and  mining fees for transfers.   To minimize commissions, try entering different amounts to see how much makes sense, before completing the transaction.  For example, buying $100 of bitcoin may cost as much in commissions as buying $200 worth, or around $3.00.  In 2017, commissions have been around 1.5%.

Other ways to get bitcoin and related assets

Buy stocks related to bitcoin, blockchain, or cryptocurrency

For a while, to buy a stock that invests directly in bitcoin, pretty much all that was available was GBTC.  Late in 2017, the list started to grow quickly, especially after bitcoin became available on the commodities markets.  We may expect to see an ETF at some time.  A search on some of those keywords will turn up some new companies, and there are also companies that create hardware for mining.

Accept bitcoin as payments, tips, or gifts

This requires a crypto currency wallet, or account on an exchange that manages the wallet.  Probably the quicket way to start receiving bitcoin is to install a local wallet such as Jaxx on a smartphone.  If using an exchange such as Coinbase, there is also an app that can be used to receive bitcoin.

Speaking of tips, some websites may offer a link where they would gladly except tips.  Here is ours for, of you are so inclined:

BTC:  1Wqg1EeNuuURFA39cYAQnmgijBQANW7yB
ETC:  0xbf5c22ef84eeb0c84bf0e70be5beb28379d0e278
LTC:  LasBvJfk7ypwic1HjKaUtGqZ9MwisXMMG9
BCH:  1HqnEB8xy7Nmfm6GuY7iXeA1eEvf69HthT

Mine Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency Mining continues to require faster and more specialized hardware, and the difficulty continues to increase, but as prices increase the investment could pay off sooner than expected.  This could be an entire series of articles, but for now, just understand that this is a way to obtain bitcoin.

Cloud Mining

A sub topic of mining is cloud mining, which is a good way to learn how the process works, but profitiability is questionable.

Where to Store Bitcoin 

Crypto currency is actually stored on the blockchain, and is publicly visible to all.  The way to control transactions is with the use of public and private keys.  Funds are received by sharing the public key with the sender.  The way to send funds, is with the public, and private keys, and possibly with a password, or PIN.  The way to recover a wallet, is ususally with a 12 word passphrase.  The public key, password, and passphrase should never be shared with anyone, other than someone who should have full access to all the funds, such as  a spouse, or the recepient of an inheritance.

Caution must be taken to never lose the keys and passphrase.  If a wallet or device is lost or damaged,  the wallet can be recovered using the secrets, but if they are lost, the funds are gone forever.  That means you need to have multiple backups that you can use to recover, but not allow the secret information to be used by anyone else, since they could steal all your funds.

Exchange - OK for small amounts, and short periods of time. Most of the big exchanges are relatively safe, but they control your keys, so there is always a risk they could be hacked.  Also, make sure to remember the username and password.  Again, this is probably the easiest way to get started but consider other wallets for larger amounts.

Software Wallet, or Hot wallet - A software app, where keys are usually stored locally on the device, e.g. a computer, phone, or tablet. More control of the keys, but still a risk that the device could be hacked. Usually recommended for small amounts of spending or trading money.

Hardware wallet, or cold storage wallet - A physical device which is safest as far as privacy and control of your keys, since the wallet is disconnected from the network. The biggest risk is losing the keys and passphrase.  If the device is lost, or damaged, the wallet can still be recovered from the pass phrase that was written down somewhere.

Some popular choices are:
 Ledger Nano S
 Trezor Wallet

Notes:  Other sites have recommendations, and reviews for each of the items mentioned.  This article is meant to be a quick introduction.  In the future this information will probably be well known, and obvious, such as how to open a bank account, or how to use a debit card, checkbook, or an ATM.  All those banking activities are now common knowledge, but in 2018, how to deal with cryptocurrencies is still not widely known.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Discover Switch Port Using tcpdump and wireshark

Discover the Switch Port to which the Server is Connected

A previous article, Advanced Linux Networking Tools, covered the basic usage of tcpdump and tshark to discover switch ports on a Cisco switch, but there are times a system may be connected to a different brand, or using a different protocol.  Also, wireshark is not always installed, so relying on tshark is not always the most convenient way to get the required info.

By default, Cisco uses a proprietary method of communication between switches and routers called Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).  There is another protocol called Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), which used by other brands, so it is useful to list other options.

Find switch information

First, use ifconfig to find the interface names.  Then, use tcpdump to listen for packets.  Optional:  write the packet capture output to a .cap file, and use tshark to read the output.

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

 tcpdump -n -v -i eth0 -s 1500 -c 1 'ether[20:2] == 0x2000'

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
 tcpdump -v -s 1500 -c 1 -i $YOUR_INTERFACE '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)'

tcpdump -v -s 1500 -c 1 -i $YOUR_INTERFACE '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)'  and ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:0e

With Wireshark

sudo tcpdump -nv -c 1 -i eth0 -s 1500 '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)' 

 sudo tcpdump -nv -c 1 -s 1500 -w /tmp/pkt1.cap -i bond1 '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)'
  sudo tshark -V -r /tmp/pkt1.cap

Check LLDP on eth0
sudo tcpdump -nv -c 1 -i eth0 -s 1500 -w /tmp/pkt0.cap '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)';sudo tshark -V -r /tmp/pkt0.cap

Limit Results by using egrep
sudo tcpdump -nv -c 1 -i eth0 -s 1500 -w /tmp/pkt0.cap '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)';sudo tshark -V -r /tmp/pkt0.cap | egrep -i "Chassis Id: | Port Id: | System Name = |port Description ="

 Without Wireshark

 sudo  tcpdump -n -v -i eth0 -s 1500 -c 1 'ether[20:2] == 0x2000'
 sudo  tcpdump -n -v -i bond1 -s 1500 -c 1 'ether[20:2] == 0x2000'

 sudo tcpdump -nv -c 1 -i eth0 -s 1500 '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)'
 sudo  tcpdump -n -v -i bond1 -s 1500 -c 1  '(ether[12:2]=0x88cc)'

Sometimes, a little patience is required.  After all, tcpdump is listening for packets, so it may take a minute, or so for a packet to show up on the interface of interest.  Also, if the interface is bonded, then bond0 may be the name of the interface to use instead of something like eth0.

Bash One-Liners for Ping

Here are a few notes to add to the previous article on ping. This time, we look at some bash one-liner tips and tricks. Combine multiple commands Return Values Ping Multiple Hosts Using Bash Nmap and Fping

Ping, and Command Line Variables

Start from the beginning. We want to see what happens when attempting to ping a host that resolves an IP address from DNS, but is not reachable from our network at the moment. This is to show how we might build a simple monitoring tool from scratch, and also to see what kind of fun we can have with the command line. To ping a host only one time use the count option, which in Windows is -n, and in Linux is -c.



C:\>ping -n 1 %host%

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 0, Lost = 1 (100% loss),

Bash: Linux, Mac, Unix

Note that in bash, we don't use the set command to assign a variable, but we may want to use export. So we could use:
ping -c 1 $host
Or with export:
ping -c 1 $host
The only difference should be that the variable is still available in a sub shell, if we use export. With both lines combined, use a semicolon.;ping -c 1 $host

Return Codes

Remember that commands will return a result that is placed in the $? variable, which can be used later in our script. Return codes for ping:
 0 = success (host is up)
 1 = ping failed (host is down)
 2 = unknown host (host is not in DNS)
To see how this works with an unknown host, run these two commands. First, ping an non-existent host, and then echo the $? variable.
$ ping -c 1 xyz-nothing
ping: unknown host xyz-nothing
$ echo $?
The same thing, combined on one line, with a host variable:
$  host=xyz-nothing;ping -c 1 $host;echo $?
ping: unknown host xyz-nothing
If a ping check failed, then give the hostname, the return code, and the date and time.
$;ping -c 1 $host > /dev/null 2>&1; RESULT=$?;echo $host: $RESULT; if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then date --rfc-3339=ns;fi 1
2016-09-01 14:35:10.833175095-07:00
Or a simplified version, using the logical "or" double pipe "||", though we need the parentheses to run multiple commands
$;ping -c 1 $host > /dev/null 2>&1 || ( echo "$host $RESULT";date --rfc-3339=ns )                    1
2016-09-01 14:35:31.012810392-07:00

Git Quick Start

When attempting to learn new tools, such as git, or vim, it is easy to get lost in all the features.  Here is a quick start guide that focuses on the essentials for a single user to get started with a local git repo.  Working with a team, and advanced features can be added later.

Git Quick Start Commands

Git Core Commands
  • git init
  • git add .
  • git commit -m “initial commit”
Supporting Commands
  • git status
  • git log
Remote Repository Commands
  • git clone [url]
  • git pull
  • git push

Git Notes on github goes into more detail